Friviker Health and Wellness Clinic Health Tips


Did you know that maintaining a nutrient-rich diet is crucial for pregnant women?

Absolutely. A well-balanced diet, including sufficient folic acid, iron, and essential vitamins, is vital for the health of both the pregnant woman and the developing baby. It supports proper fetal growth and development.


Does Abstinence Increase Male Fertility? The Surprising Truth"

Friviker Health

Progesterone a fertility marker

Viker A

Listen to Your Body: A Natural Approach to Ovulation Tracking

Friviker Health

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Progesterone a fertility marker

The truth is, you NEED progesterone to get pregnant. ⁠

And your body needs nutrition for optimal progesterone. Eat foods rich in Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C, especially in the luteal phase of your cycle (after ovulation). 

Try to stay off stress. Stress is such a robber of progesterone levels!

List of some foods containing vitamin b6 that can help boost your progesterone levels.


Cereal grains











Legumes, and 

fresh vegetables.

Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits, peppers, orange, strawberries, kiwis, and broccoli,grapes, tomatoes,potatoes,cabbage,guava etc

Progesterone provides a good environment for implantation by a fertilized egg and also maintains pregnancy till delivery.

Low levels of progesterone can cause irregular menstrual periods, spotting and headaches, early and late term miscarriages and could affect your ability to get pregnant.

By Viker A

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The Luteal Phase

Let's go into the other really important phase of your cycle - the LUTEAL phase. ⁠

Or what most of us more commonly know it as when we are trying... THE TWO WEEK WAIT. 😬⁠

Which has now had such a negative connotation to it because when trying it becomes the stressful, anxiety provoking part of your cycle waiting to get to the point where you can do a pregnancy test or see if your dreaded period comes.. 💔⁠

But the luteal phase is actually a beautiful part of our cycle and can have a huuuuge impact on conception when we nourish ourselves in this time (I know how hard it is to get out of our heads in this time - but stay with me).

The luteal phase preps your uterine environment (your womb) for the safe and successful development of the your fertilised egg (embryo).⁠

Or, if an egg isn’t fertilised, resetting the uterus for the next time around.⁠

That reset is key. Your uterus is the most dynamic organ in your body. You shed the lining every cycle. That mean you have a beautiful new opportunity every luteal phase to support embryo implantation - thickening your lining, improving blood flow, reducing inflammation, supporting progesterone levels. 🙏

What to eat in the two weeks wait to aid successful embryo implantation

Mackerel fish


Broccoli (contains lots of folate)

Flax seed

Folic acid 400mcg daily

Almond nut


Calcium 300mg daily

Vitamin B6 50mg daily (aids progesterone production)

Omega 3 fish oil 500mg daily



Some foods to avoid during the luteal phase.

Red meat

Spicy food

Sugary foods/drinks




Smoked seafood

Green papaya(unripe pawpaw)

Vitamin A


Unpasteurised milk

Our fertility wellness team provides you with a plan to support the luteal phase of your cycle, both nutritionally and through supplements, as well as for your emotional wellbeing, reducing stress and anxiety in the two week wait. We help to optimise your fertility (improving implantation rates and increasing your chance of pregnancy.

If you are trying to conceive at the moment and want to have a consultation about fertility related issues our DMs are open, always 💛 Reach out - that's all it takes to start the conversation and be supported at a time like this ❤️

Love, light & baby dust, ⁠


By Null

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Listen to Your Body: A Natural Approach to Ovulation Tracking

Listen to Your Body: A Natural Approach to Ovulation Tracking

Ovulation strip or tracking app don’t work for everyone.

Trusting your body's natural cues and rhythms is essential for understanding ovulation. While calendars and apps can provide general guidance, they may not always be accurate for every woman. By learning to recognize your body's unique signals, can help you get adeeper understanding of your ovulation patterns.

Remember, each woman's cycle is unique, so tuning into your own body's wisdom is the key to successfully tracking ovulation.

There are other ways outside apps and ovulation prediction sticks to test for ovulation such as BBT tracking, hormone panel blood tests, cycle tracking via ultrasounds, plus tracking other indicators such as cervical fluid, sex drive, ovulation pain and your moods. (PLEASE don’t rely on an app to tell you when you’re ovulating).

You don’t have to navigate infertility alone.
Speak to us by sending us a dm.

Friviker Health ❤️

By Friviker Health

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Does Abstinence Increase Male Fertility? The Surprising Truth"

If only it were that easy⁠ 🤷⁠

Many people believe that abstaining from sex will help store more sperm, make sperm stronger, so the possibility of conception will be higher. However, many studies have proven this to be a misconception.

Science tells us that if men abstain from sex for an extended period of time (weeks), there is no benefit to sperm quality. ⁠

In fact, it can actually have a negative effect as the sperm can be exposed to more oxidative stress in the body and consequently cause DNA damage. ⁠

It is actually a healthy thing for guys to ejaculate frequently (typical, I know right!)⁠

But not too frequently.⁠

Back to science. Men who abstain from ejaculation (sex & masturbation) for just 2-3 days do in fact 'build up' sperm and they are stronger swimmers.

But, if he leaves it longer than this the sperm's swimming strength starts to drop off.⁠

When trying for a baby is getting a bit tedious, a strategy as simple as focusing on nutrition for sperm quality can be hugely beneficial.

Couples trying to conceive should endeavour to have sex at least three times weekly.

By Friviker Health

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Getting pregnant without a period.

Is It Possible to Ovulate and Get Pregnant Without Menstruation?

Primary amenorrhea means you never start your periods. Secondary amenorrhea means you have had periods, and then they stop, especially for more than 3 months. Even if you don't have periods, you could still get pregnant.

Many women battle the problem of absent or irregular periods and thus, may face difficulties in getting pregnant. But this does not mean that such women cannot get pregnant. Even if you don’t get your periods regularly, it is very much possible that you may get pregnant. While it is possible to become pregnant without periods, it is highly unlikely. If you aren’t getting your periods, this is a good reason to visit your gynaecologist. This can happen because of various common and unusual causes, including breastfeeding, hormonal imbalance, primary ovarian insufficiency, adhesion, birth control pills,been under weight or obese, having pcos,been an athlete etc

While ovulation and periods naturally go together, it is possible to ovulate without having a period.Conversely, it is possible to experience monthly bleeding with no ovulation.

Again, since your period results from ovulation, it is uncommon but not impossible to ovulate without having a period.

By Friviker Health

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